Piero Faustini schrieb:
How many people use mailing lists? How many use forums? Say 1 lister every 20
forumers? Say 1 to 10 (and I'm fair)?
Well take a company of your choice - the workers there will use mailing lists. Every working group I
know has its own mail group. So whenever you send a mail to your whole working group you are using a
mailing list. The only difference is that LyX's list is archived while this is not the case in every
It's not me who says lists are
difficoult, it's people. I never used lists before knowing LyX.
When you invited friends to your party you have a list of people you send the invitation mail,
right? When some of them reply and everyone gets the reply, then you have a mailing list. The same
is for LyX.
It's 10 years since last time I disabled cookies.
Well that's a security issue. Its of course the user's choice to allow cookies or not, independent
of your OS (I'm on Windows too btw.). So you can ignore this issue in my argumentation.
Children use forums. They always had, because they are very, VERY simple. Lists
are not that simple, comparing to forums
Why do you think so? I stated some major disadvantages of forums and cannot see right now advantages
over lists. People are using forums, because forums are offered. When lists are offered they will be
The major reason why forums are popular is that you can hide your identity. Have a look at the tone
at various forums words like "fuck you" appear there very often, for example at th YouTube forums.
Another reason is that when you are subscribed to a list you get many mails. personally, the amount
of messages in the lyx-devel list is too much for my mail account that is limited to 500 mails. I
therefore follow this list via
When I want to reply to a mail, I can there click on the reply button. When I want to start a new
thread, I simply send an email to lyx-de...@lists.lyx.org.
I believe you that
with lists you can do many things which a forum can't. But that's not the
point. Lists are difficoult to use comparing to their advantages, so they are
for PRO users, almost always have been, and in future I guess they will be ONLY
for pro. Their worst difficoulty is to LEARN how it works (I spent some days
puzzling and puzzling and sending messages to wrong addresses till I went to
GMANE and used its forum-like interface)
When you had problems, then we need to improve the documentation in
Our lists are really easy: Just send a mail to
then you get a confirmation email and that's all one has to do.
This is the same as when you register to a forum. You there also get a
confirmation email.
My personal aim is to bring LyX to as many users as possible and therefore I work on the LyX
documentation, and give user support via the mailing list. I'm always open for new ideas but I want
to be convinced (the same as for you when somebody confronts you with a new idea, right?). The
problem is that I haven't yet understood why you had so many troubles by writing an email to
lyx-us...@lists.lyx.org. Even when you don't subscribe, an email to this address will reach the LyX
(While thinking about your argumentation, it seems to me that you read your mails via web frontends
and not via a mail program, right? I can recommend to try out to read and write emails via
Thunderbird. Every colleague at work I showed this was impressed haw much easier this way is to
handle emails.)
I found Lyx.org just because I read something, in a forum ;) of students. I try
to use it and I get it working but that very day I get stuck trying to use some
pics. Guide says I have to learn how to install it properly, and the basics of
That shouldn't happened. The aim of LyX is that yo don't need to know LateX to use images in
documents. Where in the documentation did you read that one has to learn LaTeX? - I need to fix
and/or improve this section.
thanks and regards