Dear All,

I am agree with Christian, the line break comes earlier than it would.

But, when somebody wants to implement it for the others.
It can appended to the end of subject line to, thus it can be used for sorting,
and does not bother the others with the silly repeating "[lyx users]" message.
What is the half of their subject line.
So, both side can be happy. :)

It just an idea. And Copyrighted by me  :))

Best regards,
 theblond                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 11:12:31 PM, you wrote:

chs> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, stephan beal wrote:

>> On Monday 23 August 2004 18:15, John Levon wrote:
>> > No, this isn't going to happen. You need to find out how to get your
>> > mail client to filter on other headers than the subject line
>> i appologize if i'm beating a dead horse here, but could we get an 
>> explanation of why it isn't feasible? A trillion different lists have 
>> this feature and apparently have no problem in doing so.

chs> Reasons were given in this thread. One was that it clutters the subject
chs> line, another that the subject line might break earlier than it would have
chs> otherwise (giving the user less info in the subject line).

chs> /Christian
chs> (who reads this list through gmane and is happy with that solution)

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