On 04.04.19 15:03, Axel Dessecker wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 4. April 2019, 14:41:08 CEST schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
On 04.04.19 12:44, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Do., 4. Apr. 2019 um 10:27 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
<engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>>:
On 03.04.19 16:30, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> As with BibTeX, the encoding should ideally match the encoding
of he
> document. If it differs, you can add bibencoding=utf8 to Document >
> Settings > Bibliography > Citation Style > Options
Thanks, Jürgen. Could you or somebody else kindly try this one, to
whether the Umlaute are ok?
author = {Bünning, E.},
title = {Zur {K}enntnis der erblichen {T}agesperiodizität bei
{P}rimärblättern von \emph{{P}haseolus multiflorus}},
journal = {Jb. wiss. Bot.},
year = {1935},
volume = {81},
pages = {411--418},
We need a real minimal example file (lyx file and bib) in order to
help you.
In preparing a minimal example I created a new minimal lyx file and a
new bib file with just one entrance (the one above) and, voila, the
problem with the Umlaute was gone. If I use the old bib file (with many
literature references) this one item does not show the Umlaute, although
only this item is required.
Conclusion: The problem is with the (jabref) bib file and is not a lyx
But I am not sure how to proceed. If I copy my references from the old
bib file in the new one, the umlaute problem comes back, even with the
one which were correct before (I had copy/pasted them separately in the
new bib file). Perhaps someone of the Jabref users might have an idea?
Thanks for all the help
Are you sure about the correct formatting of your older entries containing
umlauts? Have you recoded the .bib file to UTF-8?
Yes, I did.
Just found out, that apparently the new Jabref 4.3.1 needs
Java-8-openjdk, not Java-9-openjdk, or alternatively openjfx.
Will try, and thanks