On 03.04.19 16:30, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
As with BibTeX, the encoding should ideally match the encoding of he
document. If it differs, you can add bibencoding=utf8 to Document >
Settings > Bibliography > Citation Style > Options
Thanks, Jürgen. Could you or somebody else kindly try this one, to see
whether the Umlaute are ok?
author = {Bünning, E.},
title = {Zur {K}enntnis der erblichen {T}agesperiodizität bei den
{P}rimärblättern von \emph{{P}haseolus multiflorus}},
journal = {Jb. wiss. Bot.},
year = {1935},
volume = {81},
pages = {411--418},
I do not get them even after using your proposal (Bookstyle Komascript