On 04.04.19 12:44, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Do., 4. Apr. 2019 um 10:27 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
<engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>>:
On 03.04.19 16:30, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> As with BibTeX, the encoding should ideally match the encoding
of he
> document. If it differs, you can add bibencoding=utf8 to Document >
> Settings > Bibliography > Citation Style > Options
Thanks, Jürgen. Could you or somebody else kindly try this one, to
whether the Umlaute are ok?
author = {Bünning, E.},
title = {Zur {K}enntnis der erblichen {T}agesperiodizität bei
{P}rimärblättern von \emph{{P}haseolus multiflorus}},
journal = {Jb. wiss. Bot.},
year = {1935},
volume = {81},
pages = {411--418},
We need a real minimal example file (lyx file and bib) in order to
help you.
In preparing a minimal example I created a new minimal lyx file and a
new bib file with just one entrance (the one above) and, voila, the
problem with the Umlaute was gone. If I use the old bib file (with many
literature references) this one item does not show the Umlaute, although
only this item is required.
Conclusion: The problem is with the (jabref) bib file and is not a lyx
But I am not sure how to proceed. If I copy my references from the old
bib file in the new one, the umlaute problem comes back, even with the
one which were correct before (I had copy/pasted them separately in the
new bib file). Perhaps someone of the Jabref users might have an idea?
Thanks for all the help