Quoth Ira Abramov - Scalable Solutions on Thu, Apr 08, 1999: > hey, does anyone remember "Bsisit" for the PC from about 10 years ago? > an attempt for a fully hebrew GW basic... Wrong translation. "BASIC" is an acronym, though I don't remember what it stands for. Vadik. -- If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was the last time you needed one? -- Tom Cargill, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.
- Re: Hebrew Ira Abramov
- Re: Hebrew Ira Abramov - Scalable Solutions
- Re: Hebrew Vadim Vygonets
- Re: Hebrew Alex Shnitman
- Re: Hebrew =18Isaac Aaron
- hebrew LinuxGeek
- Re: hebrew Shaul Karl
- Hebrew solomon
- Re: Hebrew guy keren
- Re: Hebrew solomon
- Re: Hebrew Tzafrir Cohen
- Hebrew David Hananel
- Re: Hebrew Eli Marmor