Yesterday, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo blurbed:
> L>> All this thread of conversation is actually interesting.
> L>> just one Q,
> L>> Has any1 bothered to forward it to the Hebrew Language Academy and get a
> L>> respond from the one true factor here that counts?
> Not me. I don't really care so much as to search for their email and write
> there :) And I'm almost sure noone from there will take interest of my
> thoughts about it, provided I'm no a specialist in the field but a puny
> passer-by, babbling about his puny thoughts... :))
I'm sure a lot of computer words have been translated by now, and most
of them will probably not be asymilated by professionals, but used in
ads in the papers and on busses. "You will never catch me saying
"mimshak toori" and "mimshak makbili" but I have seen newbie computer
buyers walking into a store and asking questions about them, yet they
never heard of paralel and serial interfaces.
I'm sure very few programmers call their compiler "Mehader", and if
anyone here knows what an interpreter is I'd be interested to know (not
Parshan - the computer lingo interpreter...)
hey, does anyone remember "Bsisit" for the PC from about 10 years ago?
an attempt for a fully hebrew GW basic...
> what does it mean:
> "malketet" (mem-lamed-kuf-tet-tav)?
umm, "Pinzeta" aka tweezers?
> "mazeg" (mem-tsadi-gimel)?
you mean TSAG, which is naturally a monitor. I usually say "MASAKH"
when speaking to Hebrew speakers, though I'm aware it's wrong.
on second thought, TSAG is literaly a display, Monitor is MASHGO'AKH.
MATSAG is a display in the conotation of e.g. performing arts, nothing
to do with computer monitors
> "zamrir"?
Radio Jingle. off topic, this is a Linux list (f**k thins, the entire
post is OT)
> "tav-shin-resh" (even don't know how to say it - tesher? tashar?)?
tipm as in a restaurant, your point?
> "mutag"?
Brand name
> can you call a photo (picture) "zilum"?
no. a photograph is TATSLUM, TSILUM is the occupation of photography.
> what is "daf poteah"?
I guess you mean a homepage, I have even seen "DAF BAYIT" in places.
> and last question: did you use or saw somebody to use top five words? How
> often? ;)
except for malketet and maybe Tesher, I'm sure I've used them all quite
a few times. I'm pretty sure I gave you the right meanings from all of
them, and considdering I haven't spoken a lot of Hebrew in the last 18
months and don't have a dictionary available, I think I did OK.
> Since I don't know what to do with results of this quiz, I donate it to
> the Hebrew Language Institute :). BTW, their homesite it not bad.
I sugest to move this thread to some list about the Hebrew tounge. it's
OT in here, as intereesting as I find it myself.