
On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 12:42 PM Jonathan Sheffi <> wrote:

> Hang on a minute. Let me make sure I've got this straight.
> A free flowing discussion of geopolitical matters happening 7,000 miles
> away belongs on Lincoln Talk because anything goes, but when it comes to
> discussing whether Jews (in Lincoln and elsewhere) deserve equal rights to
> other human beings, we suddenly need to take it offline?
> ᐧ
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 10:00 AM Sara Mattes <> wrote:
>> LT has been around for a while now.
>> It has survived and thrived and served our community well, in all its
>> functions- sales, free stuff, announcements or events( political and
>> otherwise) here and around us, appeals for causes, and yes, sometimes
>> contentious debate.
>> The moderators have juggled competing demands  and pressures.
>> They have blocked certain posts and posters for a “ time out.”
>> When your opinion is blocked, you are not happy- trust me, I know from
>> personal experience.
>> It is easy for a subscriber ( you are here voluntarily) to opt out of
>> certain posts and/ or posters.
>> It is the “delete” button.
>> Scroll through and decide what to open, to read.
>> You are not forced to read or participate.
>> The Moderators, in my observation, have erred on the side of free flowing
>> speech, and let readers take responsibility for opting in or out.
>> I for one, am glad to have this community forum, in all its iterations,
>> and would hate to see it change.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 3, 2025, at 9:28 AM, Jonathan Sheffi <> wrote:
>> I disagree. Political event invites inherently contain political
>> statements (that's how we got into this mess to begin with!). Therefore
>> they need to go to the new political channel along with the discussion
>> around them.
>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025, 08:33 Paul Shorb <> wrote:
>>> My votes:
>>> Some version of suggestion #1 could be OK; I defer to the judgment of
>>> the LT moderators.
>>> Suggestion #2 seems unnecessary. LT seems like a reasonable place to
>>> simply post notices of upcoming events that are aimed at Lincoln residents,
>>> even if they concern topics outside of Lincoln, and I'd rather not have to
>>> subscribe to and monitor a separate thing. However, if the LT moderators
>>> (or someone else) is willing to go to the trouble of setting up that
>>> separate thing and explaining and enforcing what goes in which channel, OK
>>> with me.
>>> - Paul Shorb
>>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 8:00 AM June L Matthews <> wrote:
>>>> I support this proposal.
>>>> June Matthews
>>>> *From:* Lincoln <> *On Behalf Of *Jonathan
>>>> Sheffi
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 2, 2025 10:34 PM
>>>> *To:* Lincoln Talk <>
>>>> *Subject:* [LincolnTalk] Moving geopolitics off of Lincoln Talk –
>>>> permanently
>>>> When discussions about Israel and the rights of Jewish people started,
>>>> I was personally quite reluctant to engage. I did not believe that politics
>>>> belonged on Lincoln Talk, especially political issues that happen outside
>>>> the borders of the town of Lincoln. I miss the emails about bake sales and
>>>> animal sightings and used couches. Heck, I even miss the HCA discussions.
>>>> I would like us to bring this list back to its original purpose: to
>>>> serve the residents of *Lincoln*. Not Israel, Gaza, Syria, Iran,
>>>> Russia, Ukraine, China, or Taiwan. In my personal opinion, not US politics
>>>> either. I therefore would like to make a specific policy proposal to the
>>>> owners and moderators of Lincoln Talk.
>>>>    1. A permanent ban on *all* discussion of geopolitical issues. This
>>>>    would apply equally to the rest of the world, and perhaps even the 
>>>> parts of
>>>>    the USA outside our 7,000 person town.
>>>>    2. This would include invitations to events in Lincoln if they
>>>>    focus on matters outside of the town. Ergo, no invitations to organize 
>>>> for
>>>>    a presidential candidate, no invitations to discuss the Middle East or
>>>>    Ukraine or anywhere else.
>>>> Implementation of this policy requires two things as far as I can tell:
>>>>    1. The consent of the moderators to enforce this ban uniformly
>>>>    across all non-Lincoln political matters.
>>>>    2. Updates to the Lincoln Talk FAQ
>>>> <>
>>>>    and Rules & Policies
>>>> <>.
>>>>    May I suggest the following amendments:
>>>> *Is my message an attempt to draw on the resources of my community?**
>>>> In other words, if you live in Lincoln and you’re asking for help from or
>>>> providing information to your community, then your message is probably on
>>>> topic even if the focus isn't on Lincoln itself. For example, if you’re
>>>> inviting people to a national political event, asking your neighbors how
>>>> they’re handling some aspect of the state tax form, or looking for the best
>>>> route to Logan Airport, it's probably on topic even if the focus is not
>>>> Lincoln. *
>>>> *Does my message avoid changing the subject?** When you reply to a
>>>> message and you change the focus substantially, you may be going off topic.
>>>> For example, if a list member posts a message inviting neighbors to a
>>>> national political event, and you reply with a message that focuses on
>>>> national politics instead of neighbors, you may not be staying on topic.*
>>>> I recognize that for some people, there is a genuine desire for virtual
>>>> and in-person discussions about national and global politics. I suggest
>>>> that we start a second mailing list from scratch, and everyone who wants to
>>>> talk about politics opts into it. Call it lincoln-geopolitics perhaps. All
>>>> event invitations and discussions of non-Lincoln politics go there, with
>>>> the LT moderators redirecting as necessary.
>>>> I realize this is a change, and not everyone may be comfortable with
>>>> it, but I believe that moving our geopolitical event invitations and
>>>> discussions to a new dedicated forum will help us restore the Lincoln Talk
>>>> we all love.
>>>> Jonathan
>>>> [image: ~WRD0000.jpg]ᐧ
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