Dressing in drag is not "child abuse" — and certainly not when attendance
at such a show is by voluntary and paid admission. Why do you feel
threatened by people dressing the way they want in a performance venue
for entertainment — or in public, for that matter? How do you feel about "Some
Like It Hot <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_Like_It_Hot>"?

Alice Waugh

On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 10:01 AM V Saleme <bmwkbi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I don’t support child abuse.
> Vic
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 9:42 AM Jennifer Saffran <
> jennifer.saff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Drag queens are not perverts.
>> Five years olds are creative, openminded, expressive little people.
>> All choices of dress are costumes with signifiers, etc. One could say
>> that a Lincolnite in a pair of LLBean jeans, Merrill mocs, and a Patagonia
>> jacket is doing “drag” of a different sort. That same costume that is
>> accepted here is mocked in other places. Drag queens just happen to express
>> certain cliches about femininity in an exaggerated way.
>> On Nov 30, 2024, at 9:36 AM, V Saleme <bmwkbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Honestly, I am shocked Bemis Hall would host an event where the
>> description has such strong inflammatory language, which could be construed
>> as an attack on a specific population, of which we have citizens living in
>> Lincoln"
>> This is the same Bemis Hall that believes it's OK to host and subject
>> your FIVE year old to 'drag show' event perverts.
>> Gee, wonder 'why' children might be 'confused'........
>> Vic
>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 11:32 PM Rosa Elena <rvillalobos3...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The description of the event (in the pdf attached to the original email
>>> and copied below for context) is pretty one-sided and *not* conducive
>>> to “thoughtful discussion” with multiple perspectives. Honestly, I am
>>> shocked Bemis Hall would host an event where the description has such
>>> strong inflammatory language, which could be construed as an attack on a
>>> specific population, of which we have citizens living in Lincoln.
>>> From the event description:
>>> “The Gaza genocide that began over a year ago has morphed into Israel’s
>>> three-front strategy to expand its borders and replace non-Jews living in
>>> Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank with an army, citizens militia, and Jewish
>>> settlements. Based on past, aggressively pro-Zionist policies, an incoming
>>> Trump administration appears ready to confirm Israel as a Jewish
>>> supremacist/apartheid state, and to further subjugate or eliminate non-Jews
>>> living in a Greater Israel. In calling for an end to Israeli apartheid and
>>> for a shared homeland for all, we join the struggle against the rise of
>>> authoritarianism in Europe, the Global South, and the United States.
>>> Zionism today, as ideology, theology and political project, has emerged as
>>> an expression of neocolonialism, Christian nationalism, and fascism.”
>>> On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 12:33 PM Annamaria San Antonio <
>>> into...@jaikaurhealingarts.com> wrote:
>>>> Agreed.  Thank you, Sara !!!
>>>> I did not see this at all as propaganda and very much appreciated
>>>> hearing about an event with thoughtful discussion. Dangerous ?  Perhaps I
>>>> did not read through but I did not see "false claims of genocide and
>>>> apartheid".
>>>> Peace
>>>> ~Jai .
>>>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 4:38 PM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I would urge all to  listen/attend before passing judgement.
>>>>> We have few opportunities to hear rom and question directly such
>>>>> individuals with direct experience.
>>>>> Perhaps those objecting are familiar with the speakers and would like
>>>>> to share their experiences so that others might know what to expect?
>>>>> Let’s keep an open mind and allow others to judge for themselves.
>>>>> Namaste,
>>>>> Sara
>>>>> On Nov 27, 2024, at 12:22 PM, Jonathan Sheffi <jshe...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Amen, Forest. Ideological diversity is well and good, but let's please
>>>>> keep LT apolitical and free from this sort of low-grade propaganda.
>>>>> ᐧ
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 11:47 AM Forest Brown <forestbrow...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I appreciate your wanting dialogue on this issue, but advertising
>>>>>> speakers who are sharing false claims of genocide and apartheid is
>>>>>> dangerous and this isn’t the platform for that.
>>>>>> On Nov 27, 2024, at 9:07 AM, Stephen R. Low <
>>>>>> steve....@gordianconcepts.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Steve Low
>>>>>> *From:* Stephen R. Low <steve....@gordianconcepts.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* November 27, 2024 9:07 AM
>>>>>> *Subject:* Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and
>>>>>> Saturday, Dec 7
>>>>>> *Palestinians, Israeli Jews, and those of us who care about them have
>>>>>> never faced challenges greater than today’s.*
>>>>>> *Contributing to this mess has been the Biden administration’s Holy
>>>>>> Land policies, which have been—shall I be polite and say, “awkward?”*
>>>>>> *Now, we await a Trump administration, whose 2016–2020 Israel
>>>>>> policies were so ill-considered and unbalanced, that many believe they
>>>>>> helped to incite Hamas’s murderous attack on October 7, 2023.*
>>>>>> *These “realities” pose major challenges for all of us seeking peace,
>>>>>> equality, and justice in the Holy Land.*
>>>>>> *Rather than wring our hands in despair, the GRALTA Foundation has
>>>>>> organized two events to help us shape constructive, outside-the-box
>>>>>> thinking about how to refine the American people’s understanding of the
>>>>>> Holy Land Problem and how to advocate for new U.S. Mideast policies that
>>>>>> will improve conditions and achieve security for all who live there.*
>>>>>> *Here are two (free) opportunities to hear two internationally-known
>>>>>> speakers—two experts on the Holy Land’s human rights problem—who can help
>>>>>> us to answer the question, “Where can we go from here?*
>>>>>> *Friday, Dec. 6 @ 7:30 PMCommunity Church of Boston565 Boylston St.,
>>>>>> Boston
>>>>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/565+Boylston+St.,+Boston?entry=gmail&source=g>*
>>>>>> *accessible via*
>>>>>> * the T, between Dartmouth & Clarendon ordiscount vouchers available
>>>>>> for Back Bay Parking Garage, 199 Clarendon Street
>>>>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/199+Clarendon+Street?entry=gmail&source=g>.*
>>>>>> *Saturday, Dec. 7 @ 2:00 PM*
>>>>>> *Bemis Hall 15 Bedford Rd., Lincoln, MA
>>>>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/15+Bedford+Rd.,+Lincoln,+MA?entry=gmail&source=g>*
>>>>>> *park across the street at the “Stone Church”*
>>>>>> *Please join us for one of these events.*
>>>>>> *Our speakers:*
>>>>>> <image002.jpg>
>>>>>> *Mazin Qumsiyeh **Human Rights Activist,  Professor**, Bethlehem &
>>>>>> Birzeit Universities*
>>>>>> Prof. Qumsiyeh was born and raised in Beit Sahour on the outskirts of
>>>>>> Bethlehem. His evolving world views have been shaped by living under
>>>>>> Israeli occupation, the education he received at universities in the 
>>>>>> Middle
>>>>>> East and the U.S., and on years of extensive travel throughout the world.
>>>>>> After obtaining a doctorate in Zoology and Genetics from Texas Tech, 
>>>>>> Mazin
>>>>>> trained at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and taught at the
>>>>>> University of Tennessee, Duke, and then at Yale. He is author of 190
>>>>>> scientific papers, hundreds of articles, and several books on topics
>>>>>> ranging from cultural heritage to human rights to biodiversity 
>>>>>> conservation
>>>>>> to cancer.
>>>>>> After returning to Palestine in 2008, Mazin and his wife Jessie Chang
>>>>>> founded and run (as volunteers) the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity 
>>>>>> &
>>>>>> Sustainability and the Palestine Museum of Natural History—both situated 
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the Bethlehem University campus.
>>>>>> <image004.jpg>
>>>>>> *Mark Braverman **Executive Director, **Kairos, USA*
>>>>>> Dr. Mark Braverman is a retired clinical psychologist and trauma
>>>>>> consultant. Raised in a traditional Jewish family, he was steeped in 
>>>>>> Jewish
>>>>>> religious observance, Bible study, the Hebrew language, and the Zionist
>>>>>> narrative. Confronted by the reality of ethnic cleansing and ongoing
>>>>>> colonial settlement of Palestine, Mark has devoted himself since 2006 to
>>>>>> working for a future of dignity and peace for all the people living 
>>>>>> between
>>>>>> the River and the Sea.
>>>>>> Mark has been closely involved in the international church movement
>>>>>> for Palestinian rights. He spoke at the launch of the Kairos Palestine
>>>>>> document in Bethlehem in 2009 and served on the Palestine Ecumenical 
>>>>>> Forum
>>>>>> of the World Council of Churches. He is the author of two books and
>>>>>> numerous journal articles and book chapters on the Kairos movement,
>>>>>> ecumenism, post-holocaust theology, Jewish and Christian Zionism, and
>>>>>> Christian-Jewish relations.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Steve Low
>>>>>> <002 v-1 Qumsiyeh-Braverman Poster.pdf>
>>>>>> --
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