On 01/10/2013 12:09 AM, Urs Liska wrote:
It was already discussed on this list: It was a silly idea to use copyrighted
material at all for this tutorial. It was just something I was working on at
that time, and I didn't really think about it ...

To be honest, I disagree. This is something that a standalone project can reasonably do which the main project can't, and it's useful, because it shows how to solve real, complicated notational problems in Lilypond. Contemporary music, which is almost all in copyright, generally presents the most complex notational problems to solve, and made-up examples don't cut it because there's no professionally-engraved example to compare them to.

Personally I think that I small library of _real_ contemporary musical examples, compared to the published score, would be an extremely useful resource for Lilypond. It shouldn't be difficult to secure publishers' permission for short extracts.

But I just reviewed my communication with UE and noticed that I (and them) only
talked about the 'measures' of the music, not about which rendering of them
(i.e. a scan of the UE edition or my new typesetting). They allowed me 'to show
these music examples on my homepage' - any other use wasn't allowed.
Which I think means that I can also put the original edition into it.

In any case, your use of these few measures probably comes under "fair use" exemptions for educational/teaching purposes, etc.

But I probably won't touch it until I reformat it as a PDF version. There had
been some valuable comments on this list right after the first 'release' of the
tutorial - which still haven't been incorporated :-(

I'd say, don't wait for revisions which will require some thought -- just add in the original image now. ;-)

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