Am 10.01.2013 23:33, schrieb Joseph Rushton Wakeling:
On 01/10/2013 10:19 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
But there had been quite some discussion here whethere
could link
to such a tutorial or not, and I tend to agree that an Open Source
should have Open Documentation.
I agree, but I also think there's a difference between official
documentation and 3rd-party resources. The linking is an issue, but
even if such examples can't officially be endorsed by the project,
they can still be created and be useful.
My suspicion is that the fears about linking stem from an overly
paranoid interpretation of FSF guidelines -- after all, the FSF have
given awards to Wikipedia, which includes a copious amount of non-free
media used under "fair use" provisions.
That's what I have come to think too in the meantime. So i think I'll
the example in our collection of tutorials, because I can't see me
rewriting the
tutorial with another example (it would surely be very easy to find an
equivalent example in the music of Alban Berg, who ran out of
copyright several
years ago)
Hmm, be careful with Berg. The later works (published post-1923) are
probably still in copyright in the US. Should be fine with something
like the String Quartet, or the Four Pieces for clarinet and piano.
Maybe you're right. Today I realized that I really only have to
replace the
image, without updating a single word ...
Done :-)
It's just a matter of deciding to take the time to acquire the image,
either by
extracting it from the IMSLP score or by getting my own score home
and make a
scan ...
It's on IMSLP? I looked, but couldn't find it ...
Then re-look...
I also overlooked initially, because it isn't ordered by *S*ix, but by 6
*O*rchestral songs.
But there is the orchestral score as well as the piano reduction.
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