Am 08.11.2012 10:38, schrieb David Kastrup:
Francisco Vila <> writes:

2012/11/8 Janek Warchoł <>:
...and we (Lily team) may need to rethink our strategies as well.
Ben, we have this website about sponsoring Lily development:
should we make it more visible?  or should we make it more clear how
it works?
If I were the sole designer/developer of the web page, I'd put a big
star-shaped Donate! or Sponsor! button clearly visible on the front
page. Tiny, personal projects do it all the time.
Ah, but this is not a tiny, personal project.  We discussed this before,
and putting a "Donate to David" button on a central LilyPond page was
deemed inappropriate.  And just to make this very clear: _I_ consider it
inappropriate as well.  "Donating to the LilyPond project" and "Donating
to David" are separate things, and I don't want any mechanism in place
where the first is more or less silently converted into the second.
That's true, but a "Sponsor!" or "Support Us!" button that redirects

would make it easier to find the place where the money goes to. Than again, one 
decide whether to donate money, picks up a name on the "interested developers" 
(that's the easy part ;-) and makes his/her donation.


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