On 08/24/2011 08:30 PM, PMA wrote:
> I'm confused.  Please forgive a terribly naive question --
> *If* my LilyPond output PDF were to match what Schott wants to see 
> (in other words, a correct Schott-targeted style-sheet would not
> have changed it), then would Schott print my original PDF *as-is*?

I can’t speak for the music publishing industry, but having worked in
textual publishing: *if* your LilyPond PDF were exactly according to
house standards, they would probably publish it, but the odds of you,
the composer or arranger, producing a PDF exactly according to house
standards are infinitesimal.  And even if *you* could do it, the amount
of effort it would take the house to evaluate your competence to do so
is more than it would take for them to do it themselves.  In their
shoes, I would rather take your PDF and reënter it from scratch in my
tool of choice.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
Those who learn from history are doomed to become cynics.

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