On 08/25/2011 02:06 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Plus, they need need to be sure that when they try to edit that file in 3 
> years that lilypond will still process it without any work and it should look 
> exactly like before. That's also one of the current problems iwth lilypond: 
> The syntax changes regularly, and you need to update your scores every few 
> months to be able to run them properly.

I'm not sure that's as big an issue as you think it is -- from what I
recall of the Finale forums, back when I used them, many of the
professional engravers would stick with older Finale versions, partly
because of compatibility issues, partly because stability was more
important to them than the newer functionality.

In any case it would be relatively easy to get around that kind of
concern by implementing "Long-Term Support" releases on a longer
time-scale than the regular release schedule.

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