Dear Francois,

I'm sorry to tell you that I'm convinced that Robert's translation - although not completely literally correct - does very well match what Schott wanted to express:

Am 25.08.2011 00:29, schrieb Francois Planiol:
Dear Robert,

The translation doesnt match totally.

(In my own words, to point out what is important in this text, after
20 years in Germany as church musician):

Es ist in den letzten Jahren zum Standard geworden, dass Herausgeber
oder Autoren die Notendateien ihrer Werke für den Notensatz fertig bei
uns abliefern (was eine Nachbearbeitung hier im Hause nicht
Composers send us usually a data ready-to-print. If necessary and only
in this case, we prefer Finale and Sibelius, for we are used to.

In diesen Fällen bitten wir entsprechend auch um Daten für
Finale und Sibelius, da diese am einfachsten zu verarbeiten sind.
Ausschlusskriterium für die Annahme eines Werkes ist dies jedoch nicht,
vereinzelt wird auch noch nach handschriftlichen Manuskripten direkt
hier im Hause gesetzt.
Buuuut, there is no reason to exclude for publication a work in
another format, included manuscripts will be considered.
What they say is:

  1. They publish their scores with Finale or Sibelius because they are
     the most suitable for their engraving style.
  2. In recent years it has become a de facto standard that editors or
     composers provide their scores as music files, which are
     ready-to-print or may need in-house polishing by their own engravers.
  3. In these cases (this means the now regular case that the editor
     provides a file) they also want Finale or Sibelius files because
     they are the easiest to process (meaning they have a tested
     work-flow with them).
  4. They leave it open to accept works for publication that aren't
     prepared this way, because they can in rare cases engrave from
     manuscripts in the house.

Practically this means: If an author or editor can't prepare the files they may decide to spend money for an engraver preparing a Finale score. In exactly this context they would accept a LilyPond score equally as a manuscript score: They would enter it from scratch in Finale

So I think the best would be a Schott style-sheet for lily, send your
music to schott as pdf and underline, you will make the changes they
want, if needed.

Best greetings


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