David Stocker <dstoc...@notesettersinc.com> writes:

> On 07/15/2010 10:37 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
>     You can't start a new Lilypond compilation before
>     killing your viewer.  You can't, say, quickly play the notes of a
>     passage without running them through Lilypond (since Emacs does not
>     understand the notes it sees).  Bar detection barfs on encountering the
>     first bar.  You can't let bars be entered automagically.
> Having to kill your viewer before compiling is a Windows thing. I've
> always been able to compile a file with the viewer up on Linux.

I recommend you try this with lilypond-mode, using its facilities for
both viewing and compiling.  It's not a Windows problem, unfortunately.

David Kastrup

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