Also differentiating lilypond code and scheme code.
The mmm mode could be useful to combine this two major modes:
Just an idea.

2010/7/15 David Kastrup <>

> Tim McNamara <> writes:
> > Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> >> Having a useful lilypond mode in Emacs would be really great.
> >
> > Using the existing lilypond-mode for all my .ly file editing already
> > and it's pretty useful to me- but of course there is always room for
> > improvement.  What are you thinking that you'd like to see?
> >
> > I'd like to see parsing for missing/misplaced brackets, maybe some
> > kind of validation function like Tidy is for HTML, since that is
> > something that trips me up sometimes and can be hard to debug.
> Indentation goes downhill completely sometimes (in particular when using
> things like -> accents) and is hopeless regarding Scheme.  Syntax
> highlighting can be rather weird.  There is no automatic conversion
> between absolute and relative modes, or editor-level transpositions or
> augmentation.  Syntax can't distinguish between chord mode, lyrics,
> markups and so on.  You can't start a new Lilypond compilation before
> killing your viewer.  You can't, say, quickly play the notes of a
> passage without running them through Lilypond (since Emacs does not
> understand the notes it sees).  Bar detection barfs on encountering the
> first bar.  You can't let bars be entered automagically.
> --
> David Kastrup
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