Le 15 juil. 2010 à 16:06, Tim McNamara a écrit :

> Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
>> Having a useful lilypond mode in Emacs would be really great.
> Using the existing lilypond-mode for all my .ly file editing already and it's 
> pretty useful to me- but of course there is always room for improvement.  
> What are you thinking that you'd like to see?

Well, at least what I've more or less implemented in my mode :)
That is, with top priority:

- quick note entry, with instant audio feedback.  This is just a must
  have when you type a lot of music.  This drastically reduces typos:
  after note entry phase there are very few pitch mistakes.  Mostly
  duration mistakes remains, which are then caught by lilypond.  Like
  the red pill: there's no coming back.

- dealing with scheme embedded in lilypond embedded in scheme embedded
  in lilypond, wrt indentation, colors, completion.  This is required
  as soon as you write some LilyPond scheme code.  For instance,
  lilypond-mode is not capable of nicely rendering e.g.:
  [see attached capture]

<<inline: coloring.png>>

  where define-music-funtion, ly:make-moment and other known functions and
  keywords can be autocompleted.  (Here, the parser misrecognize `parser' as
  the lilypond global variable of the same name, hence the bad coloring).

oops, should by "per-min", not "par-min".


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