On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:56:21PM +0200, Grammostola Rosea wrote:
> All though I don't think 'contact' is a good header for the mailinglist  
> and stuff. Contact does me think about an person of companies address to  
> contact with.
> 'support' or 'community support' maybe?

The absolutely-guaranteed, fastest way to piss me off (and some
other developers) is to send emails expecting "support".  We want
to discourage people from demanding bugfixes or explanations as
much as possible.

IMO, calling it "Community->Contact" gives much more of the right
impression than "Support", although I'm open to other suggestions.
Basically, I just want new people to realize that they are asking
for a favor from a volunteer community -- new features or bugfixes
are asking for a favor from the developer community, while
requests for syntax explanations or input file debugging are
favors from the user community.

- Graham

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