In my opinion, there's something that still I miss: some music notes. Newbies
should understand by glance what this program is for.
I mean, the Lilypond image is ok, and it should stay there. But somewhere in
the page I have to see some staff/note/musicsymbol. Of course one typeset
with Lilypond.
Perhaps the flat-symbol-draft image would be ok to put somewhere, or maybe
just another zoomed detail of some staff with music. Perhaps it could go as
watermark image, or shadowed in the left or right column. Of course it
SHOULD be elegant, not just the same as thousand other websites, but don't
ask me how.

Another thing, quite unrelated: why not develop ALSO an alternative logo?
The alt logo should be black on white and typeset with LilyPond, and could
represent, playing with some musical symbols a lily or a lilypond.
For example it could be a staff (even a >5 lines one) with some whole notes
randomly placed. (the staff being the pond, the notes being the lily leaves)
It could also be perspectively flattened as if seen by placing the point of
view one inch above the bottom of the page (well, this is quite difficoult
to typeset with LiliyPond!) and maybe shadowed/unfocused/mysted... Ehi, the
most central whole note could be substitued with the LilyPond image!
 Mmm... sorry it was just an idea...

Anyway, good job.


Piero Faustini

Main Software used:
- LyX 1.6.2 on WinXP sp3; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond 2.12 for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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