Some tips:

- Have a banner above the menu, that links to the Home.
- The About need not to be in the menu, just link it from the Documentation.
- The Development should not have its own menu, could be part of Community

Graham Percival wrote:
I'm stuck.

The "community" was buried in About->community, which was too hard
to find.  However, when I promote it to a top-level chapter, that
gives us seven chapters.  This feels like too much.  And more to
the point, I need to reduce the font-size (IMO too much) to avoid
chopping off words on my 800-pixel screen.

- I really don't think we should demand more than 800 pixels of
  window-width.  Even if people have higher-resolution displays,
  they might not want to maximize their displays.  I don't think
  we should force this.

- We could rename "Documentation" to "Docs", but IMO that doesn't
  look as professional.  Also, it raises the question (note to
  grammaticians: I didn't say "begs the question") about other
  shortenings like "intro" and "devel".

- I'm toying with abolishing "About".  Essay and testimonials
  would go to Introduction; Press could go to Community;
  Acknolwedgements and Dedication could go somewhere.  But then
  the Introduction isn't "skim this before downloading"; it's
  a mixture of "pre-download skims" and "really cool background

- Alternate "About"-abolishment: Essay goes to Docs, Testimonials
  goes to Intro (not a bad place for it, anyway), and Ack+Ded goes
  somewhere.  Potentially Essay could even get merged back into
  the LM, or a renamed AU.

- Another idea is to abolish the "Home" chapter and use
  Introduction as the "home page".  Currently, "Home" is the only
  chapter that doesn't have a second TOC layer.
  (alternately, merge the current Introduction stuff in Home,
  giving Home a second TOC layer)

None of these options feels particularly appealing, though.  This
is somewhat upsetting, since I had a really nice feeling about the
5+1 (home) chapters.  And it's annoying, since I feel as though
I'm on the verge of finding a nice simple solution to this.  But
I've been "verging" for a few hours now... :|

- Graham

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