On 10.09.2008, at 16:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"J" == James E Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
J> I just wish someone with a little elisp help could point me
J> toward the part of whichever file determines how the file is
J> processed in emacs so I could learn enough to be able to add " "
J> to it.
I beleive lilypond-command-master uses (buffer-file-name) to return a
filename to send to the command.
Im not on a mac, but you could test this:
Visit the file you want to send (by C-c C-c) in emacs
Type (withouth the quotes)
'M-: (buffer-file-name)'
and see if it returns the whole filename inside double-quotes. Please
tell us what comes out.
M-: (buffer-file-name) returned
"/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/Dad/Litany/
with the quotes
Oh, and for the record:
16:27:32 jamesebailey ~:lilypond "foo bar"
GNU LilyPond 2.11.58
Warnung: Datei »foo bar« kann nicht gefunden werden
Fehler: failed files: "foo bar"
So, if I understand correctly,
1) buffer-file-name is a correctly escaped filename
2) escaped files are correctly understood by bash
3) using compile, I can send lilypond "/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/
James Music/Choral Music/Dad/Litany/Litany.ly" and it processes fine:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/James Music/
Choral Music/Dad/Litany/" -*- Compilation started at Wed Sep 10 16:35:32
lilypond "/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/
Dad/Litany/Litany.ly" GNU LilyPond 2.11.58
»/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/Dad/Litany/
Litany.ly« wird verarbeitet
Converting to `./Litany.pdf'...
Compilation finished at Wed Sep 10 16:35:42
4)Using (C-c C-l) in emacs, the filename isn't escaped:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/James Music/
Choral Music/Dad/Litany/" -*-
Compilation started at Wed Sep 10 16:37:52
lilypond /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/Dad/
GNU LilyPond 2.11.58
Warnung: Datei »/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James« kann nicht
gefunden werden
Warnung: Datei »Music/Choral« kann nicht gefunden werden
Warnung: Datei »Music/Dad/Litany/Litany.ly« kann nicht gefunden
Fehler: failed files: "Music/Dad/Litany/Litany.ly Music/Choral /
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Wed Sep 10 16:37:54
5) As can be seen from the output, when I type in the quotes,
lilypond processes a filename with quotes. When I use C-c C-l,
lilypond is processing a filename without quotes.
6) I think somewhere, the quotes are being stripped.
On other platforms using emacs, does the output look similar? Are
there quotes in the same places (or not)?_______________________________________________
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