Ah. I use a binary, not a script. I actually build lilypond, I'm on 10.5
On 10.09.2008, at 13:29, Hans Aberg wrote:
I wanted to know what is in the lilypond you use - is it binary or a
script, and in the latter case, what is the script. If you type
less $(which lilypond)
then $(which lilypond) will produce the path you just wrote, and
'less' will write out the contents if it is not binary.
On 10 Sep 2008, at 12:57, James E. Bailey wrote:
12:57:28 jamesebailey lilypond:which lilypond
On 10.09.2008, at 11:54, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 10 Sep 2008, at 10:56, James E. Bailey wrote:
I think that's the compile option in the file menu. There, I can
do "lilypond path\ to/my\ file.ly" and it's fine.
What do you get if you type in Terminal or xterm:
cat $(which lilypond)
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