On 10 Sep 2008, at 15:11, James E. Bailey wrote:

Yes, my original post, I posted the error message from emacs:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Dad/Litany/" -*-
Compilation started at Mon Sep  8 15:24:38

lilypond /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/Dad/ Litany/Litany.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.11.57
warning: cannot find file: `/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James'
warning: cannot find file: `Music/Choral'
warning: cannot find file: `Music/Dad/Litany/Litany.ly'
error: failed files: "Music/Dad/Litany/Litany.ly Music/Choral / Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James"

There you can see that it's not escaping the filename correctly.

This is different from the question I asked, because I wanted to know what happens if quotes are passed on to 'lilypond', as in
  lilypond 'foo bar'
The reason is that bash may not pass on the quotes themselves, only the arguments (I don't remember this).

But if you have the binary, it should work.

I just wish someone with a little elisp help could point me toward the part of whichever file determines how the file is processed in emacs so I could learn enough to be able to add " " to it.

In C code, one uses the function system(), which just passes on a string to a subshell.

If you know what names are used in Emacs Lisp, you can search for them in the lilypond-make script. Section 37.1 Functions that Create Subprocesses in the Lisp reference manual
gives names like start-process, call-process and call-process-region.


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