On 2008/09/10 16:53 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > I'd rather fix the bug completely before speaking up, but this thread is
> > inflating a lot: in elisp/lilypond-mode.el line 647 (in function
> > LilyPond-command-expand), file should be quoted and escaped.  
> Ahm, no line 647 is fine (just passes on the file variable to the next 
> recursion). The real culprit is in line 636 (split-file-name file), where 
> file should be escaped.

Oops, you're right.

>  Alternatively, the dir and base variables can be 
> escaped after splitting...

Yep, that's what I did in the patch.  Thanks for the hint!


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