Yes, my original post, I posted the error message from emacs:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Dad/Litany/" -*-
Compilation started at Mon Sep  8 15:24:38

lilypond /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/Choral Music/Dad/ Litany/
GNU LilyPond 2.11.57
warning: cannot find file: `/Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James'
warning: cannot find file: `Music/Choral'
warning: cannot find file: `Music/Dad/Litany/'
error: failed files: "Music/Dad/Litany/ Music/Choral /Users/ jamesebailey/Documents/James"

There you can see that it's not escaping the filename correctly.

I just wish someone with a little elisp help could point me toward the part of whichever file determines how the file is processed in emacs so I could learn enough to be able to add " " to it.

On 10.09.2008, at 14:54, Hans Aberg wrote:

On 10 Sep 2008, at 14:03, James E. Bailey wrote:

Ah. I use a binary, not a script. I actually build lilypond, I'm on 10.5

I just wanted to make sure it isn't the 'lilypond' part. One other test is to type
 lilypond 'foo bar'
If spaces are passed on correctly, then one gets
 GNU LilyPond <version>
 warning: cannot find file: `foo bar'
 error: failed files: "foo bar"
that is, it reports only one file in the error. (If spaces are passed on wrongly, then one gets:
 GNU LilyPond <version>
 warning: cannot find file: `foo'
 warning: cannot find file: `bar'
 error: failed files: "bar foo"
reporting two files.)


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