On 10 Sep 2008, at 10:56, James E. Bailey wrote:
I have
exec /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/
lilypond "$@"
I am not sure exactly what you run in Emacs,
lilypond-mode. In the command menu, there's an option lilypond (C-c
C-l). If it's set to do the command on the master File (C-c C-c) it
fails because the path is not escaped.
Then it might be the lilypond-mode script that is missing some quotes
like those above.
but when compiling, it creates a subshell and runs the compilation
process in it.
I think that's the compile option in the file menu. There, I can do
"lilypond path\ to/my\ file.ly" and it's fine.
lilypond 'foo bar'
might work, woo.
Then, if someone forgot putting in the quotes above when composing
the full path, one would get the error you reported. Setting IFS
empty (might suffice only IFS=) might be a workaround - some
suggests using this in scripts rather than quotes, but it is not
well known.
Regardless, I tried adding that to my .bashrc and it had no effect.
Are you running it from the Terminal - then, under 10.4 at least, it
should be put into the file .profile (login shell). X11 does not
create a login shell, so then it is .bashrc; so I put
source ~/.profile
in it.
Then, in .profile, don't forget "export":
export IFS=
But setting it this way globally may screw up other scripts. So it
would be best fixing the lilypond-mode script.
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