James E. Bailey wrote:
> On 08.09.2008, at 15:46, Christopher Suckling wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 03:30:41PM +0200, James E. Bailey wrote:
>>> I don't know if this is true for anyone else, but, when I try and use
>>> emacs (22.2.1) on OSX in my terminal, I can't compile on the master
>>> file
>>> and file where there is a space in the filename.
>> I've had the same problem and have been equally unsuccessful in
>> solving it. I'm afraid I'm just avoiding spaces in my current
>> project. It's the last piece in my Leopard, Emacs, LilyPond, XeTeX
>> jigsaw, but it's going to have to wait...
>> Christopher
> I found a really dirty workaround. Instead of C-c C-l to run lilypond
> on the master file, just using compile, and telling it explicitly
> there to run lilypond works.
You mean you use Terminal and not XDarwin?
I run Emacs from XDarwin (actually as a background task).  After saving
my changes I alt-tab to another Xterm where I run my Lily commands
(usually from up-arrow).  I have a background gv running for each part
or score I am working which I can also atl-tab to.  I never use Emacs
commands like compile.  I have discovered that crtl-L will refresh an
instance of gv.

To save time I also compile to PS (--ps).

I do the same thing on my Linus box.

Paul Scott

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