Hi Graham,
The rest of the docs place the { or << on the same line:
\header {
Please do the same here.
I will, but I officially file a protest: I find it *much* harder to
visually match delimiters (braces, brackets, etc.) with that
convention, just as I find it harder in Java code (where they use the
same Mao-ing convention).
I very rarely include s1*4 \bar "|." in my global variable --
is this good practice?
1. Why wouldn't it be?
2. If the \bar command — or any command, for that matter — is in
literally every note variable (as it is in the existing templates),
doesn't it scream "I'm a global value!"? What if you need to change it?
Why manually number the bars?
I'll give you my most recent opera score WITH MY CODE BAR NUMBERS
REMOVED, and then ask you to add a cautionary accidental to the first
quarter note in m. 413 of the violin music... ;-)
I definitely like the explicit bar checks, though. :)
... and people ask me why I stopped playing cello after 21 years
of study and am learning violin... :(
You should try *my* cello parts! :-p
Interesting! I hadn't realized that you could set up
instrumentName like this!
1. This is my preferred method, at least for pieces where the player
never changes instruments.
[n.b. I'm still working on the best instrument-switching methodology...]
2. Good to see that templates are capable of teaching even the most
jaded — I mean "experienced" — Lilyponders! ;-)
- is it worth including instr or shortName or whatever that
command is called these days?
- how do you feel about adding a newline after the \with { ?
Again, that's the style of the rest of the docs.
I think code should always aim for the sweet spot of
comprehensibility and terseness, in that order — we can debate
various options, and come to a collective agreement.
- manual style calls for comments to be placed on the line above:
%% uncomment this line to enable MIDI output
% \midi{}
1. So you uncomment the comment to enable MIDI output? ;-)
2. I'm not a fan of adding code lines unnecessarily.
- manual style uses two-space indents.
The actual material looks good;
I'm happy to withdraw my objection to "real music".
I knew I could convince you! =)
Thanks for the input,
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