Hi all,

Below is my first draft of a String Quartet template (score only) — here are my notes, for discussion-prompting purposes:

1. I decided not to include any context names: I think that's a rather advanced topic that doesn't need to clutter up a "template".

2. I've included a \header block, to generate a title and composer name.

3. I've put the instrumentName settings in \with block: for most things, I prefer it to the \set construct (within the music itself), it makes for an cleaner template (i.e., the notes variables can be completely replaced without screwing up the output), and it subtly encourages the separation of content and presentation.

4. I've included a \midi block, commented out, with a directive- comment for enabling.

5. I specifically chose a simple example of REAL string quartet music. Specifically, I chose one in C major without any accidentals, allowing me to avoid using any language-specific music encoding (and, consequently, avoiding the need to \include any language file).

Looking forward to your comments and suggestions!


\version "2.11.55"

        title = "Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell"
        composer = "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"

global =
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
        \bar "|."

violinOneNotes = \relative c'
        c4.(\p d8) e4-. e-.   | % 1
        e8( d f e d4) r   | % 2
        d4.(\p e8) f4-. f-.   | % 3
        f8( e g f e4) r   | % 4

violinTwoNotes = \relative c'
        c4.(\p b8) c4-. c-.   | % 1
        c8( b d c b4) r   | % 2
        b4.(\p c8) d4-. d-.   | % 3
        d8( c e d c4) r   | % 4

violaNotes = \relative c'
        \clef alto
        g1\p ~   | % 1
        g2 ~ g8( b d b)   | % 2
        g1 ~   | % 3
        g2 ~ g8 e'( g e)   | % 2

celloNotes = \relative c
        \clef bass
        c8\p c c c c c c c   | % 1
        g g g g g4 r   | % 2
        g8 g g g g g g g   | % 3
        c c c c c4 r   | % 4

        \new StaffGroup
                \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin I" }
                        << \global \violinOneNotes >>
                \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin II" }
                        << \global \violinTwoNotes >>
                \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Viola" }
                        << \global \violaNotes >>
                \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violoncello" }
                        << \global \celloNotes >>
        \layout { }
        %\midi { }  %% uncomment this line to enable MIDI output

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