I just looked at that template and noticed that the first example on
the page A.3.1 gives a template for a score where everything is in
one file. The second example shows how to do things with multiple
files (as you said A.3.2). Although this might seem to some a bit
instructive as well as a template, is this not useful? As one
attempts more complex projects with Lilypond (which a string quartet
would be), I have found it useful to have templates that illustrate
better ways of managing a larger project, especially one that would
require a score and parts output. Lets face it, just about any
Lilypond score (even quite large ones) can be done in a single file,
but as the project becomes larger, breaking the project up into
several files makes it easier to see what is going on. This example
would illustrate how this could work.
Seeing as section A.3 gives examples of both ways of working with
Lilypond, would it not be useful to keep both? If not would it not be
useful to illustrate this more advanced way of organizing larger
projects in some other part of one of the manuals? I write this
without having searched the Docs to see if this has already been done.
I have always found that using templates as a starting point has
been very useful, and have learned much by seeing how others have
organized scores.
Walter Hofmeister
On Aug 15, 2008, at 10:01 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Graham (et al.):
The template for the string quartet with parts (A.3.2)
unnecessarily deals with multiple files — everything the template
is supposed to accomplish can be done "more simply" in a single
file, either using \pageBreak between \score blocks (for single-PDF
output), or by wrapping each score in a \book (for multiple-PDF
Any objections to me making this a one-file template?
I'm considering including both examples (single-PDF and multiple-
PDF output), so that users can choose.
p.s. In the spirit of the "Inspirational Headwords", does anyone
else think that these templates should be "real music"? =)
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