Am 17.08.2008 um 21:43 schrieb Graham Percival:
global = {
\bar "|."
I very rarely include s1*4 \bar "|." in my global variable -- is
this good practice?
When managing a score with many time signature changes, it's really
useful. You only have to make (or correct) a typo-ed time signature
once to fix it.
That's something I learned from Kieren ^.^
c4.(\p d8) e4-. e-. | % 1
e8( d f e d4) r | % 2
Why manually number the bars? It's true that users can delete
them easily, but they should be very familiar with
one-bar-per-line by now. I definitely like the explicit bar
checks, though. :)
It helps with finding where you are in a score if you, like me,
compose on paper, and then transpose it to lilypond, I always number
my bars on paper, and when I transfer things to lilypond, it's a great
tool to know *exactly* where a particular bar is. Especially when the
lilypond input looks nothing like what's on my paper. I also start
each bar with an explicit time, so if I miss one, the time at the
beginning of the next measure is correct, and I can find the error
easily, especially if the error happens to create complete measures so
the bar checks don't catch it.
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