I would agree with Mats on this one. When I was first starting with Lilypond and the template didn't have a MIDI block, I couldn't make it work b/c I couldn't figure out *where* to stick the MIDI block. i was VERY grateful to find a template that already had a working MIDI block. It's easy enough to comment this out while working on big files to speed things up.


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Kieren MacMillan wrote:

To take your argument to its (illogical) extreme, why don't we just add *all Lilypond features* into one "simple" template and let the Lilypond beginners "suddenly discover" everything that Lilypond can do all at once? ;-)
For most LilyPond features, I certainly agree with you. However, for the MIDI output, it's a single line in the input and it's very intuitive that it has to do with MIDI output. I have never seen any question on the mailing list on how to turn the MIDI off, but quite a number of questions on if it's possible to get MIDI output and how to do it. If you have ever touched some other music typesetting program, you will certainly be acquainted to the possibility of listening to the output for proof "reading" and will expect to have the same in LilyPond. If you care about processing speed, remove the MIDI output from the templates that typically will end up in large scores (like string quartet) and keep them in the melody plus piano.

Well, you decide!


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Jonathan Kulp

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