Hi Kurt,

On 17/02/2008, Kurt Kroon wrote:
> So, does the preferred hyphenation follow this parsing?  If so, I'll have to
> change the entries for 32osanuotti and 64osanuotti, from
> * kolmaskymme-neskahdesosa-nuotti
> * kuudeskymme-nesneljäsosa-nuotti
> to something like this
> * kolmas-kymmenes-kahdesosa-nuotti
> * kuudes-kymmenes-neljäsosa-nuotti
> ... I think ... please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Are they used for soft hyphenation? The lower ones are much better for
that purpose.

> > They are understandable but more
> > common words are neljäsosanuotti and neljäsosatauko.
> Common as in:
> * "Any Finnish person would understand immediately"? or
> * "Any Finnish _musician_ would understand immediately"?

I'd say both. :-) I've not seen the neljännesosanuotti / -tauko
versions outside LP documentation. Even Google returns only a handful
of results and they are mostly from LP docs.

<OT>Neljännesosa is sort of redundant. Neljännes already means
neljäsosa (a quarter), so "neljännesosanuotti" would probably mean a
"quarter part note".</OT>

> Odd ... they're in the table under "Duration names notes and rests", but not
> under the individual entry in the Glossary.

Ah. So it seems. I would use the ones in the table.

Another thing... There's a English - Finnish musical terminology
dictionary online at:
The UI is in Finnish but it should be pretty easy to use.

Hopefully this stuff was helpful.


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