On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 19:43:19 -0800
Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Page 9, antepenultimate paragraph (missed this in my first go-round)
> -- "For example, when entering music that [not which] begins on a
> notated E (concert D) [moved this section up] for a B-flat trumpet,
> one could write ..."

Disagree; the most important part of this situation is the B-flat
trumpet.  I changed the that/which, though.

> Same page, first sentence of the second paragraph in "Selected
> snippets" -- delete the comma after octavation: "or the octavation
> does not in ..."
> Ditto, third sentence -- change litotes to a positive statement
> (unless the litotes is incorrect and the sentence should be
> negative): "The clefOctavation value would normally be set to 7, -7,
> 15 or -15, but other values are valid."
> Page 13 -- "end of the previous line is [not in] not required ..."
Not my department.

If you look at the Snippets -> Pitches page, you'll see all these
things collected together, along with the file names.  Could you
collect all these language corrections in the snippets, along with
the filenames, to Valentin?

> Page 22, "Selected snippets" -- "... every pitch in the twelve-tone
> [removed extra space, changed note to tone] scale ..."

for V.

- Graham

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