On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 05:47:04 -0800 (PST)
till <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Percival-2 wrote:
> > By default, texinfo does not indent the first paragraph and
> > indents all others; we need to specifically override this default
> > behavior for the "strongly related" material.
> Well, I stumbled about this also but thought that it is indeed on
> purpose as you said. Writing in Latex I have the habit to enclose
> graphics, tables, and so on in the same paragraph -- that is I don't
> insert a blank line in between.
> In the guidelines for Doc writers to Lilypond this is called
> "vertiacal compression"
> for what ever reason. To me it just does what I want: that the next
> paragraph doesn't
> get indented. For what reason is there the "compression" mentioned?
> Is it an issue in html? Otherwise I would suggest to insert
> @lilypond/@example and so on
> without surrounding blank lines, in that way we would easily get the
> @noindent without
> writing it out.

lilypond-book automatically adds a bunch of blank lines;
compressing the material in the .itely file doesn't change the
output, it just makes the doc source harder to read.

- Graham

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