When I haven't commented on something, it means I took your

On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 17:26:22 -0800
Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course, the titles of the following subsections should be
> considered. They are "Writing pitches", "Changing multiple
> pitches" (but see below), and "Displaying pitches", respectively. So
> perhaps the phrase above should be further changed to "writing,
> changing, and displaying."

IMO, writing pitches etc.  sound better.  However, I want to
provide a hint about how lilypond processes pitches, by making a
reference to normal computer usage: data input, computation,
result output.

> On page 6 -- "Known issues and warnings" -- "There are no generally
> accepted standards for denoting three-quarter flats ..."  So there
> are generally accepted standards for denoting one-quarter flats?  Or
> should this read "There are no generally accepted standards for
> denoting quarter-tone accidentals ..."

I'm not certain about this, but the "accidental" text is more
general and covers us more, so I took it.  :)

> Same page, header of section 1.1.2 -- Should be "Changing pitches" to
> parallel the headers of the other subsections.

I want to emphasize that transposition affects more than one
pitch.  I'm not totally against changing the section name this
way, but I'd want more discussion first.

> Same page, "Transpose" section -- a technical question about the
> \transpose syntax: are frompitch and topitch relative or absolute?
> Would it be useful to include that information?

Absolute.  I can't see it making a huge difference, but I added

> On page 10, first paragraph -- In that case, "Double
> accidentals ..."  What is this sentence quoting?  Perhaps it should
> just be integrated into the sentence.

It's explaining the rules for a minimum number of accidentals.  I
agree that the quotes are a bit weird... anyway, since this is a
selected snippet, it's not my department.

> Ditto, in line 4 (a comment) of the Scheme code -- "alteration, a, in
> quarter-tone [hyphenated] ..."

Ditto, not my department.  Could you fix these in LSR?

- Graham

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