Greetings to all fellow spanish-speaking-LilyPond-users!

¡Decision time!

Clave or Llave?

Armadura or Armadura tonal or Armadura de clave?

For God's sake:

"Como" is accentuated only when it is in question form in México, in Argentina it is also accentuated in comparative, let's decide how to accentuate it, ¿yes?
La nota es sostenida (the note is sharp) , or la nota es sostenido?

(And the sounds of battle begin, the pen is indeed mightier that the sword) I also run ubuntu, so a linux tutorial for the novice in lilypond is also an option. (Let's not start a distro war here also)
fn:Daniel Tonda Castillo
n:Tonda Castillo;Daniel
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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