Am 28/12/2006 um 16:38 schrieb David Bobroff:

No se preocupe aún por los naturales/becuadros. Explicaremos esto cuando
lleguemos a las armaduras.
I say drop "naturales". "Becuadros" is well known, at least to me who learned the French word first, and can't be confused with anything else.

I haven't been following this thread so forgive me if I'm throwing in ignorant input, but here goes:

I learned Spanish musical terms as a result of playing in an orchestra in Spain for a year. I recall that "natural" was the word I heard being used. As for "bemoles" and "becuardros"; are they actually written that way, or is it; b-moles (round B's) and b- cuadros [cuadratos?] (square B's)?

David, you do have a point here. I have only known "becuadros" for the square sign, and "natural" only for naming a natural note as opposed to an altered one, like saying "do natural, no do sostenido", but not for the sign. But it seems to be a technical term used in some countries at least, so if it is, I would say let's use that too.

Then "naturales / becuadros"  would be a right way to put it.


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