After having installed Catalina I tried to install Frescobaldi plus LilyPond 
(the 64bit version provided by Hans  Åberg) but, while Frescobaldi 2.20 64bit 
apparently runs normally, I had no success with LilyPond… I am a musician not a 
developer so I’m not able to understand the reasons of this failure. So I am 
back to Mojave and the 32bit versions of Frescobaldi and LilyPond. Waiting for 
good news on the subject.


Mario Bolognani

> Il giorno 15 nov 2019, alle ore 22:35, Allan Kinnaird <> 
> ha scritto:
> So here I am (as I see it) :
> My current version of Lilypond is not going to work on my Mac if I upgrade to 
> Catalina (v10.15) because of an incomprehensible licence impasse between GNU 
> and Apple.
> Hans Åberg has provided an installable package ( 
> <> ) which runs 
> as 64-bit on Catalina. It appears that it has problems with convert-ly but is 
> otherwise OK. (And Frescobaldi users need to point Frescobaldi preferences 
> towards the right version of Lilypond.)
> I have downloaded Hans’s file and tried to install it. Unfortunately the 
> installer blocked the process, requiring that the OS be 10.15 Catalina - I 
> have to go for Catalina before I can test for problems with it.
> So, to continue using Lilypond, either I have to stay forever on v2.18.2 and 
> have my computer stay forever on OS 10.14, or just go for Catalina, run 
> Hans’s installer, and accept what disasters then ensue. (Hans seems a pretty 
> good guy, so with luck there won’t be many!)
> Geronimo!
>> On 14 Nov 2019, at 17:00, 
>> <> wrote:
>> Send lilypond-user mailing list submissions to
>> <>
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of lilypond-user digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>   1. Re: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina (Tim McNamara)
>>   2. Re: Macro with (David Kastrup)
>>   3. Re: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina (Hans Åberg)
>>   4. Re: Re: Macro with pitches as parameters (Mats Bengtsson)
>>   5. drawing a range reguardless of transposition (Sandro Santilli)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 07:59:26 -0600
>> From: Tim McNamara <>
>> To: lilypond-user <>
>> Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Frescobaldi itself does not generate sheet music. You need to install 
>> Lilypond also. In my experience with Catalina, Hans Aberg's .mkpg installs 
>> with a double click and works fine(except for convert-ly, apparently). 
>> Frescobaldi 3 does not work out of the box on the Mac; there are a half a 
>> dozen dependencies that have to be installed first. The 64-bit version of 
>> 2.20 does work well. I haven't gotten around to getting F3 running as 
>> obtaining and installing the dependencies on the Mac is kind of a nuisance 
>> due to how locked down MacOS is, unless one is using a package manager such 
>> as Homebrew, MacPorts, etc. I am not using one of those.
>>> On Nov 14, 2019, at 3:20 AM, Jeremiah Reilly <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Carl, thanks for both tips.
>>> The Frescobaldi Downloads page states "Install a copy of Lilypond as well." 
>>> Not sure how that jives with Catalina.
>>> Sorry to be inept re packages and making from source. I am a musician, not 
>>> a developer.
>>> Your help much appreciated.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 4:34 PM Carl Sorensen <> wrote:
>>>> From: Jeremiah Reilly <>
>>>> Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 3:14 AM
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Subject: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
>>>> What is the status of running Lilypond under Mac os 10.15 Catalina?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> (Apologies if the answer is clearly posted on the website or Lilypond 
>>>> blog. I searched 20+ minutes without success. I cannot upgrade to Catalina 
>>>> until I know whether Lilypond will run. I found posting for folks running 
>>>> Lilypond in a virtual machine or Decker, but that's not my bag.)
>>>> Search for 64-bit, and you’d find it.  But putting a response on a thread 
>>>> with Catalina in a title is probably a good idea.
>>>> You can get an installable LilyPond package created by Hans Aberg here:
>>>> There is a 64-bit Frescobaldi installer for Version 2.20: 
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Carl
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: 
>> <>
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:15:00 +0100
>> From: David Kastrup <>
>> To: David Menéndez Hurtado <>
>> Cc: Aaron Hill <>,
>> Subject: Re: Macro with
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> David Menéndez Hurtado <> writes:
>>> On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 12:47, Aaron Hill <> wrote:
>>>> Secondly, there's a quirk in variable substitution syntax.  You need to
>>>> use the $var form, so the parser will see the ly:pitch? and ly:duration?
>>>> tokens as indicating a single note.
>>> Ah, right. I understand now the manual means with "normal LilyPond input,
>>> using $ (in places where only Lilypond constructs are allowed) or # (to use
>>> it as a Scheme value or music function argument or music inside of music
>>> lists) to reference arguments (eg. ‘#arg1’)." So, every time the input type
>>> is ly:something, it should be with $, right?
>> Music is ly:music? .  # passes the content verbatim and requires a
>> particular type to work since it is evaluated _after_ being fitted into
>> the syntax parsing.  $ creates a copy of some types (such as music) and
>> can be treated differently in syntax according to its type but since
>> some syntax constructs require lookahead (and that in turn requires
>> knowing the type of the token), the evaluation can happen surprisingly
>> early.
>> In general, # works with fewer surprises unless it doesn't work at all.
>>> Thank you so much, now my source is almost readable, and so much
>>> quicker!
>> -- 
>> David Kastrup
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:15:49 +0100
>> From: Hans Åberg <>
>> To: Jeremiah Reilly <>
>> Cc: Carl Sorensen <>, ""
>>      <>
>> Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
>> After running the LilyPond installer listed at the bottom this page, open 
>> the Frescobali app and in Preferences > LilyPond Preferences > “LilyPond 
>> versions to use”, set as Default the path
>>  /opt/lilypond/bin/lilypond
>>> On 14 Nov 2019, at 10:19, Jeremiah Reilly <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Carl, thanks for both tips.
>>> The Frescobaldi Downloads page states "Install a copy of Lilypond as well." 
>>> Not sure how that jives with Catalina.
>>> Sorry to be inept re packages and making from source. I am a musician, not 
>>> a developer.
>>> Your help much appreciated.
>>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 4:34 PM Carl Sorensen <> wrote:
>>> From: Jeremiah Reilly <>
>>> Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 3:14 AM
>>> To: <>
>>> Subject: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
>>> What is the status of running Lilypond under Mac os 10.15 Catalina?
>>> Thanks.
>>> (Apologies if the answer is clearly posted on the website or Lilypond blog. 
>>> I searched 20+ minutes without success. I cannot upgrade to Catalina until 
>>> I know whether Lilypond will run. I found posting for folks running 
>>> Lilypond in a virtual machine or Decker, but that's not my bag.)
>>> Search for 64-bit, and you’d find it.  But putting a response on a thread 
>>> with Catalina in a title is probably a good idea.
>>> You can get an installable LilyPond package created by Hans Aberg here:
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:42:50 +0100
>> From: Mats Bengtsson <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Re: Macro with pitches as parameters
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> On 2019-11-14 12:46, Aaron Hill wrote:
>>> On 2019-11-14 1:02 am, David Menéndez Hurtado wrote:
>>>> I am transcribing a piece that is filled with the rhythmic motif "8. 
>> 16 8" at different pitches. Being a LaTeX user, I want to write a macro 
>> like \myrithm{c a g}. I found the documentation for Scheme functions, 
>> and how to edit whole music sections, but nothing on how to insert a 
>> fixed number of pitches. As I understand it, ly:music is an arbitrary 
>> music expression, so I cannot restrict it to just three pitches.
>>> ...
>>> Ooh, you are *so* close!
>>> ...
>>> Here's the working version:
>>> %%%%
>>> \version "2.19.83"
>>> myRhythm = #(define-music-function
>>>   (first second third)
>>>   (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
>>>   #{ $first 8. $second 16 $third 8 #})
>>> \fixed c' {
>>>   \time 6/8
>>>   \myRhythm g d g
>>>   \myRhythm e d g
>>>   \myRhythm g a b
>>>   \myRhythm c' a b
>>> }
>>> %%%%
>> By coincidence, I encountered the same problem and came up with the same 
>> solution, the other week. I'm surprised that we don't have any such 
>> example in the manual since it really is very useful and at the same 
>> time illustrates the power of combining define-music-function with 
>> embedded LilyPond syntax. In LSR you can actually find a few more 
>> examples that seem relevant, like 
>>, but as far as I can see, the 
>> same could equally well be implemented like your example above without 
>> requiring any Scheme competence. The only LSR example that resembles the 
>> one above is, but it doesn't 
>> illustrate the possibility to include multiple pitches in the pattern.
>> In my own example, the same pitch is repeated multiple times in the 
>> rhythmic/melodic pattern, like
>> \version "2.19.82"
>> myPattern = #(define-music-function (p1 p2 p3 p4)
>>     (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
>>     #{ $p1 4 ( $p2 8 ) \acciaccatura $p2 $p3 $p3 16 $p4 $p3 8 #})
>> which can be successfully used like
>> \fixed c' {
>>   \time 6/8
>>   \myPattern a c' b ais |
>>   \myPattern a f' e' dis' |
>> }
>> However, it doesn't work in \relative mode, since the octave change is 
>> applied every time the same pitch is repeated. Since I'm used to writing 
>> in \relative mode and since \relative mode is very well suited to this 
>> violin music that spans several octaves but often moves in small 
>> intervals, I would have liked to write the above example using
>> \relative c'' {
>>   \time 6/8
>>   \myPattern a c b ais |
>>   \myPattern a f' e dis |
>> }
>> but since the second pitch of the example is repeated in the pattern, 
>> the second occurrence of f' raises the octave again, which isn't what is 
>> wanted. Searching the mailing list archives and the regression test 
>> examples for 2.19, I finally came up with
>> \version "2.19.82"
>> myPattern = #(define-music-function (p1 p2 p3 p4)
>>           (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
>>           (make-relative (p1 p2 p3 p4) (make-event-chord (list p1 p2 p3 
>> p4))
>>     #{ $p1 4 ( $p2 8 ) \acciaccatura $p2 $p3 $p3 16 $p4 $p3 8 #}))
>> \relative c'' {
>>   \time 6/8
>>   \myPattern a c b ais |
>>   \myPattern a f' e dis |
>> }
>> Adding occasional dynamic indications or articulations could be done 
>> using the standard trick of attaching them to an empty chord at the 
>> suitable location, like
>> \relative c'' {
>>   \time 6/8
>>   <>\f \myPattern_rel  a c b ais |
>>   <<{\myPattern_rel a f' e dis } {s4. <>^\trill }>>
>> }
>> (not extremely convenient but still doable.)
>> My main remaining problem is how to add a reminder accidental or 
>> cautionary accidental on a pitch. Even if it was possible, you might 
>> only want it on the first occurrence of the note so it's more like an 
>> unsolvable problem. Probably the famous edition engraver can do the job, 
>> but I've never taken the effort to learn how to use that beast, so for 
>> the places where I urgently need a reminder accidental in the middle of 
>> the pattern, I will not use the macro.
>>     /Mats
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 17:53:37 +0100
>> From: Sandro Santilli <>
>> To:
>> Subject: drawing a range reguardless of transposition
>> Message-ID: <20191114165337.GA831@liz>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> In order to determine if I'm writing something that can
>> be played by an instrument, is there a way to display
>> on the score the supported range by that instrument ?
>> I'd like to have something that doesn't change when I
>> transpose, so to know if transpositions are possible
>> at all...
>> --strk; 
>>  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
>>  /\
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>> End of lilypond-user Digest, Vol 204, Issue 69
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