Frescobaldi itself does not generate sheet music. You need to install Lilypond 
also. In my experience with Catalina, Hans Aberg's .mkpg installs with a double 
click and works fine(except for convert-ly, apparently). 

Frescobaldi 3 does not work out of the box on the Mac; there are a half a dozen 
dependencies that have to be installed first. The 64-bit version of 2.20 does 
work well. I haven't gotten around to getting F3 running as obtaining and 
installing the dependencies on the Mac is kind of a nuisance due to how locked 
down MacOS is, unless one is using a package manager such as Homebrew, 
MacPorts, etc. I am not using one of those.

> On Nov 14, 2019, at 3:20 AM, Jeremiah Reilly <> 
> wrote:
> Carl, thanks for both tips.
> The Frescobaldi Downloads page states "Install a copy of Lilypond as well." 
> Not sure how that jives with Catalina.
> Sorry to be inept re packages and making from source. I am a musician, not a 
> developer.
> Your help much appreciated.
>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 4:34 PM Carl Sorensen <> wrote:
>> From: Jeremiah Reilly <>
>> Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 3:14 AM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
>> What is the status of running Lilypond under Mac os 10.15 Catalina?
>> Thanks.
>> (Apologies if the answer is clearly posted on the website or Lilypond blog. 
>> I searched 20+ minutes without success. I cannot upgrade to Catalina until I 
>> know whether Lilypond will run. I found posting for folks running Lilypond 
>> in a virtual machine or Decker, but that's not my bag.)
>> Search for 64-bit, and you’d find it.  But putting a response on a thread 
>> with Catalina in a title is probably a good idea.
>> You can get an installable LilyPond package created by Hans Aberg here:
>> There is a 64-bit Frescobaldi installer for Version 2.20: 
>> HTH,
>> Carl

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