From: Allan Kinnaird <> Date: Friday, November 15, 2019 at 2:35 PM To: <> Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
So here I am (as I see it) : My current version of Lilypond is not going to work on my Mac if I upgrade to Catalina (v10.15) because of an incomprehensible licence impasse between GNU and Apple. Hans Åberg has provided an installable package ( ) which runs as 64-bit on Catalina. It appears that it has problems with convert-ly but is otherwise OK. (And Frescobaldi users need to point Frescobaldi preferences towards the right version of Lilypond.) I have downloaded Hans’s file and tried to install it. Unfortunately the installer blocked the process, requiring that the OS be 10.15 Catalina - I have to go for Catalina before I can test for problems with it. So, to continue using Lilypond, either I have to stay forever on v2.18.2 and have my computer stay forever on OS 10.14, or just go for Catalina, run Hans’s installer, and accept what disasters then ensue. (Hans seems a pretty good guy, so with luck there won’t be many!) Geronimo! Not quite. You can stay on Mojave, and continue to run LilyPond as a 32-bit binary in all of the current versions. Because we have a darwin SDK that is at least tacitly approved by Apple, we can build 32-bit. We just can’t build 64-bit. If you want to use Hans’s installable port, you’ll need to jump to Catalina. One possibility that could avoid the potentially risky jump to Catalina would be to get somebody to follow Hans’s MacPorts build instructions on Mojave, and verify that it works on Mojave. But we have enough people saying Hans’s port runs on Catalina that I don’t think it’s much of a risk, if all you’re worried about is LilyPond. Carl