> On Nov 15, 2019, at 2:35 PM, Allan Kinnaird <akinna...@icloud.com> wrote:
> So here I am (as I see it) :
> My current version of Lilypond is not going to work on my Mac if I upgrade to 
> Catalina (v10.15) because of an incomprehensible licence impasse between GNU 
> and Apple.
> Hans Åberg has provided an installable package ( 
> https://www.et.byu.edu/~sorensen/lilypond-devel-2.19.83_2.mpkg ) which runs 
> as 64-bit on Catalina. It appears that it has problems with convert-ly but is 
> otherwise OK. (And Frescobaldi users need to point Frescobaldi preferences 
> towards the right version of Lilypond.)
> I have downloaded Hans’s file and tried to install it. Unfortunately the 
> installer blocked the process, requiring that the OS be 10.15 Catalina - I 
> have to go for Catalina before I can test for problems with it.
> So, to continue using Lilypond, either I have to stay forever on v2.18.2 and 
> have my computer stay forever on OS 10.14, or just go for Catalina, run 
> Hans’s installer, and accept what disasters then ensue. (Hans seems a pretty 
> good guy, so with luck there won’t be many!)
> Geronimo!

You could also run LilyPond under Linux in a virtual machine on your mac.

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