2016-01-01 19:23 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> writes:
>> Hi Harm,
>> Thank you so much for doing all this! Very informative and helpful.
>>> I made some fundamental research about spanners with line-interface
>>> and those with additional line-spanner-interface.
>>> Code, pdf, log attached. Their behaviour is inconsistent, to say the least.
>> =(
>>> Regarding default OttavaBracket:
>>> It doesn't have line-spanner-interface […]
>>> It is discussable whether OttavaBracket should behave more like other
>>> spanners with line-spanner-interface. I guess the main reason why
>>> OttavaBracket is done as it is, was to have edge-height and
>>> bracket-flare user-settable.
>>> Though, this may be possible even if the stencil-procedure would
>>> listen to the properties from line-spanner-interface.
>>> This would mean to rewrite the stencil, ofcourse. C++ work, which I
>>> can't do myself.
>> David K: Here, I believe, is a perfect example of a well-defined task
>> that I would be happy to sponsor.
> "particular" is not the same as "well-defined".  I can't even figure out
> what this is supposed to be about.
> --
> David Kastrup

I posted my findings, else I wrote "discussable ..."

So, let's start discussion.

In the end the general question "How should OttavaBracket behave?"
should be answered detailed.
Part of it:
Which properties should be user-settable?
How should a (maybe broken) OttavaBracket behave at (line-)start/end.
Maybe crossing items like TimeSignature, BarLine, KeySignature etc.,
when broken.

Only some questions, there may be others waiting to be answered.


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