Hi David,

> To me it would appear that in this case by far the lion's share of the
> work is digging through reference books (incidentally, I don't have any
> of those), devising a good plan for the desired behavior, checking with
> the current behavior, figuring out where the differences are,
> cross-checking with other line spanners, abstracting useful
> commonalities and differences and only ultimately touching the code.

If OttavaBracket simply supported line-spanner-interface (as per my feature 
request in a previous email), and I submitted a reasonable set of defaults and 
syntactic sugar — based on the many reference books (which, incidentally, I 
*do* have) — we’d satisfy 99.5% of the OttavaBracket needs of 99.5% of the 
Lilypond user base.

Getting that done in a short amount of time seems like a far better idea (to 
me) than spending multiple hours cross-checking other spanners, etc., and 
possibly not rolling out such useful features in the foreseeable future.

It’s funny: I have been taken to task more than one time on this list for 
defining too large and vague a feature/request. Now an incredibly focused and 
well-defined task (“make OttavaBracket support line-spanner-interface”) is 
apparently too small and/or specific?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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