Hi Harm,

> I posted my findings, else I wrote "discussable ..."
> So, let's start discussion.
> In the end the general question "How should OttavaBracket behave?"
> should be answered detailed.
> Part of it:
> Which properties should be user-settable?
> How should a (maybe broken) OttavaBracket behave at (line-)start/end.
> Maybe crossing items like TimeSignature, BarLine, KeySignature etc.,
> when broken.
> Only some questions, there may be others waiting to be answered.

I’m totally happy to discuss this at length; and that kind of detailed 
discussion should, of course, be had.

But is it really that difficult to simply add line-spanner-interface to the set 
of interfaces supported by OttavaBracket, and then fine-tune the 
parameters/behaviour post-hoc? If so, please explain why.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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