2015-12-31 3:23 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>: > Hi Harm, > > Now that my custom ottavation function isn’t overriding the stencil, how do I > adjust all of the parameters I had set in the “bound-details” version (e.g., > X, Y, padding, right-broken.X, etc.)? > > Thanks, > Kieren. > > p.s. My original function was simply extended from the example in the > [current] docs: > <http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/displaying-pitches#ottava-brackets> > Perhaps that should be changed, if it’s not the recommended method?
Hi Kieren, I made some fundamental research about spanners with line-interface and those with additional line-spanner-interface. Code, pdf, log attached. Their behaviour is inconsistent, to say the least. Regarding default OttavaBracket: It doesn't have line-spanner-interface, i.e. the following properties are basically _not_ supported (but may be by another interface, p.e. thickness): bound-details extra-dy gap left-bound-info note-columns right-bound-info simple-Y thickness to-barline If you switch the stencil to ly:line-spanner::print you basically loose access to (again, some of them may be supported by other interfaces, like minimum-length, didn't test this, though): edge-height bracket-flare shorten-pair minimum-length but you would be able to use the ones from line-spanner-interface. Right now this is a one-or-the-other. (Ofcourse a property-setting may not take any effect, if the stencil-procedure doesn't use it. Though, this is always true.) It is discussable whether OttavaBracket should behave more like other spanners with line-spanner-interface. I guess the main reason why OttavaBracket is done as it is, was to have edge-height and bracket-flare user-settable. Though, this may be possible even if the stencil-procedure would listen to the properties from line-spanner-interface. This would mean to rewrite the stencil, ofcourse. C++ work, which I can't do myself. Maybe more later. Cheers, Harm P.S.: Up to now I found it impossible to override certain properties of the first part of a broken OttavaBracket, like the length of the line. Hairpin has the 'broken-bound-padding at least, but none of the others, if I'm not mistaken.
Description: Adobe PDF document
all spanners supporting line-interface: DynamicTextSpanner Episema Glissando Hairpin HorizontalBracket LigatureBracket OttavaBracket PianoPedalBracket TextSpanner TrillSpanner TupletBracket VoiceFollower VoltaBracket spanners supporting line-interface AND line-spanner-interface: DynamicTextSpanner Episema Glissando TextSpanner TrillSpanner VoiceFollower spanners supporting line-interface but NOT line-spanner-interface: Hairpin HorizontalBracket LigatureBracket OttavaBracket PianoPedalBracket TupletBracket VoltaBracket line-interface properties: arrow-length arrow-width dash-fraction dash-period style thickness zigzag-length zigzag-width line-spanner-interface properties: bound-details extra-dy gap left-bound-info note-columns right-bound-info simple-Y thickness to-barline ottava-bracket-interface properties: edge-height bracket-flare shorten-pair minimum-length
\version "2.14.2" %% up to "2.19.32" %% early 2.19.-versions may fail, though %%%% Get and print info about spanners with line-(spanner-)interface and %%%% properties of line-(spanner-)interface and ottava-bracket-interface %%{ %% Send the info to a file, called <my-file-name>.log: #(define print-to-file? #t) %% To display in terminal uncomment %#(set! print-to-file? #f) #(define port (if print-to-file? (let* ((output-name (if (string-ci<? (lilypond-version) "2.19.32") (ly:parser-output-name parser) (ly:parser-output-name))) (outfilename (format "~a.log" output-name)) (outfile (open-output-file outfilename))) (if (output-port? outfile) (begin (format #t "\n\tprinting to ~a" outfilename) outfile) (ly:error (_ "Unable to open output file ~a to print the information") outfilename))) #t)) %% display which spanner-grobs have %% - line-interface %% - line-interface and line-spanner-interface %% - line-interface but not line-spanner-interface #(let* ((all-spanners (filter (lambda (e) (and (assoc-get 'stencil (cdr e)) (eq? 'Spanner (assoc-get 'class (assoc-get 'meta (cdr e)))))) all-grob-descriptions)) (all-spanners-with-line-interface (filter (lambda (x) (let ((spanner-ifaces (assoc-get 'interfaces (assoc-get 'meta (cdr x))))) (member 'line-interface spanner-ifaces))) all-spanners)) (all-spanner-names-with-line-interface (map car all-spanners-with-line-interface)) (all-spanners-with-line-spanner-interface (filter (lambda (x) (let ((spanner-ifaces (assoc-get 'interfaces (assoc-get 'meta (cdr x))))) (member 'line-spanner-interface spanner-ifaces))) all-spanners)) (all-spanner-names-with-line-spanner-interface (map car all-spanners-with-line-spanner-interface))) (format port "\nall spanners supporting line-interface:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) all-spanner-names-with-line-interface) (format port "\nspanners supporting line-interface AND line-spanner-interface:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) all-spanner-names-with-line-spanner-interface) (format port "\nspanners supporting line-interface but NOT line-spanner-interface:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) (lset-difference eq? all-spanner-names-with-line-interface all-spanner-names-with-line-spanner-interface))) %% Display which properties are available by %% - line-interface %% - line-spanner-interface %% - ottava-bracket-interface #(define (supported-properties iface) (let ((iface-info (hashq-get-handle (ly:all-grob-interfaces) iface))) (last iface-info))) #(let ((line-spanner-interface-props (supported-properties 'line-spanner-interface)) (line-interface-props (supported-properties 'line-interface)) (ottava-bracket-props (supported-properties 'ottava-bracket-interface))) (format port "\nline-interface properties:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) line-interface-props) (format port "\nline-spanner-interface properties:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) line-spanner-interface-props) (format port "\nottava-bracket-interface properties:\n") (for-each (lambda (e) (format port "\t~a\n" e)) ottava-bracket-props)) #(if (output-port? port) (close-output-port port)) %} %%%% Testing printed output of spanners with line-(spanner-)interface %%%% Only overrides for color and solid-style are applied mus = \relative c { \ottava #-2 \times 1/1 { a2\>\startTextSpan\startTrillSpan\sustainOn b\glissando \break \time 2/2 \clef alto \key cis \major c d\!\stopTextSpan\stopTrillSpan\sustainOff } \ottava #0 \key c \major R1 \ottava #-2 \times 1/1 { a2\>\startTextSpan\startTrillSpan\sustainOn b\glissando \break c d\!\stopTextSpan\stopTrillSpan\sustainOff } \ottava #0 } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c''1\cresc c''2 c''2\! R1 c''1\cresc c''2 c''2\! } \new Staff \mus \new Staff \repeat unfold 5 R1 >> %% Using old #'-syntax to make it compile with older versions %% tested with 2.14.2 uo to 2.19.32 \layout { \context { \Staff \override OttavaBracket #'color = #blue \override PianoPedalBracket #'color = #blue pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket } \context { \Voice \override DynamicTextSpanner #'color = #red \override Glissando #'color = #red \override TextSpanner #'color = #red \override TrillSpanner #'color = #red \override Hairpin #'color = #blue \override TupletBracket #'color = #blue \override TextSpanner #'style = #'solid \override DynamicTextSpanner #'style = #'solid \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"tp" \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t } } \header { title = #(format #f "~a" (lilypond-version)) piece = \markup \column { "TESTING SPANNERS" "from top to bottom:" DynamicTextSpanner TextSpanner TrillSpanner TupletBracket Glissando Hairpin OttavaBracket PianoPedalBracket } opus = \markup \column { "Spanners" "- with line-spanner-interface are colored red" "- with line-interface but without line-spanner-interface are colored blue" } } } \paper { print-all-headers = ##t } \pointAndClickOff
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