> All of those characters are in Latin 1.  Latin 1 is ASCII plus the
> western European characters.  It has single-byte characters 1-255. 
> UTF-8 contains those characters too, but in UTF-8 those are 2-byte
> characters.  There is no need to use UTF-8 to get them.
> It would seem to me that making LilyPond handle UTF-8 (ie: byte-stream
> Unicode) for the left-to-right cases would be fairly straightforward. 
> It would rely primarily on existence of fonts and of support in TeX. 
> OTOH, doing bidi or even plain right-to-left would be much harder
> because it would challenge more of the assumptions in the layout engine.

LilyPond does not actually put characters in any order, it just
computes bounding boxes, and that should be  fairly trivial for R-to-L.
See Font_metric::text_dimension() in font-metric.cc

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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