As Aaron already as said, part of the problem with Hebrew is that it's written right to left instead of left to right, that's why he has to use elatex instead of latex.
When it comes to unicode, I'm afraid it would require lots of work to make LilyPond support unicode.
Aaron wrote:
Automation at run time no, but your letter made me think of a binary that would include the hacks . I see no problem for me to take a lilypond rpm and in a post install script have it configure it for hebrew. Then in the noteedit's configure script could have a switch for hebrew which would require that rpm/dep/tar....
Sorta stupid I know, what I was really waiting for was a discussion of encodings etc to popup and some sane way of dealing with internationalizations to be addressed.
If so, I'm afraid there is no real chance for an automatic generation.(?)
If there would be a hebrew lilypond then the actual entry would use just
language = "hebrew,english"
then when the file is exported to lilypond dump the hebrew hack into its place.
Again this way of acheiving hebrew was done ages ago and a lot has changed in the lilypond code.
Please if anyone has an easier way to do this please let me know.
Or do I comprehend this right: This:I have no idea boy I wish this were the case, but if it takes Unicode why would the scheme stuff be needed? I may be wrong it may need bidi support or calling freebidi.
is an alternative way. Instead of special LilyPond configuration I could also
use Unicode character coding and prepend the special directives from your page:
Needless to say to get to the point of hebrew entry in Lilypond was no easy matter.
Would this also lead to successful generation of Hebrew texts ?
(Or at least partial generation of Hebrew texts ?)
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