On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Graham Percival

> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 11:26:55PM -0500, Carl Peterson wrote:
> >    In my searching, I didn't find a page that really did this. Section
> 1.2 of
> >    the current CG should theoretically do this (based on the title), but
> it
> >    mostly just talks philosophically about git.
> Sounds good.  I've never liked that "wall of text" in CG 1.2.  How
> about you rename the existing section to something like
> "Introduction to open-source development" or "Introduction to
> git", then add a new section that's the kind of overview you
> suggested.
> NB: this type of change is minimally invasive, has a well-defined
> scope, and can be done in an hour without requiring lots of
> discussion on -devel.  By contrast, based on historical evidence,
> any discussion about reorganizing any document is likely to
> involve at least 5 hours of emails and has over a 50% chance of
> somebody's feelings getting hurt.
Once I have the current website/documentation patch through and the one
that I need to redo properly (which was the original one that got me into
the dev side), I'll start taking a look at this. The timing also has the
advantage of letting me work through a couple of reviews myself to
understand this end of the process better before I look at documentation
that touches the process.

Why can I never remember the old adage about suggestions? Never make a
suggestion you aren't willing to implement. :) Oh, well. As they say, it
builds character.

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